What gets me to the kitchen?

Appropriate to paste this comment from Pavita that I saw earlier today.
The weekend was complicated in terms of travel and stepping out of home – so we ended up cooking only a fritatta on saturday morning, but we did get Payal’s special layered Biryani on friday night. This, she had learnt from a kind lady when we briefly lived in Kanpur in the late 90’s. Will post that recipe here soon.

More pertinently, Pavita’s comment captured simply what goes on in my home and kitchen. And I am sure in many many others each weekend.

There are days that the ‘gushtaba’ is not perfect, and you still get cheered by your loved ones to keep trying. 

For me, going to the kitchen to cook is deeply creative and immersive. It allows me to focus on the one thing I am upto! I take (much) longer to craft that one weekend dish than I really need. And I realize also that I have started resting on the familiarity of the dishes I know well.

Next week, it has to be something I have not cooked before. And a gushtaba sounds like a plan! It has been over 10 years since I cooked anything remotely from that area. And living in Parel makes it another big reason to try again. So, the search begins again, for that wonderful book written by Sudhir Dar’s father – much thumbed, and you know – redolent with the spices and color that any well used recipe book will be stained by in the kitchen!

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